二二八75週年「愛、和平與希望」音樂會 日期:二月二十七日(星期天)FEB 27, 2022 時間:11:30 a.m.-12:30p.m. 形式:線上舉行,連結將於會議前寄出WebEx link will be provided later.
防疫考量,為保護大家身體健康,本年度音樂會決定以線上舉辦,活動細節將陸續公布,請鄉親保留時間參與!Considering the epidemic prevention, in order to protect everyone's health, this year's 228 memorial Concert would be held online. The details of the event will be announced soon. Please reserve time to participate!
2. 溫馨提醒!華府同鄉會會員繳交年費TAAGWC active member to renew 2022 membership
Please join us at the "Report to TAAGWC Members" meeting at 8:00 p.m. on the first Friday every month. The WebEx link will be provided within the TAAGWC email later.