華府台灣同鄉會Taiwanese Association of America Greater Washington Chapter
Dear TAAGWC Members and Friends,
Here is the TAAGWC Newsletter for May, 2018.
1. 《2018 通訊錄個資》
* 2018 年 的通訊錄要編印囉! 考量到個人資料保護,開放以下選項給大家選擇:
我們將不放您的 street address ,只留city, state, and zip code,並印在通訊錄上
* We are in the process of editing the 2018 TAAGWC directory. Regarding the safety of our member’s personal information, We want make sure we protect the privacy of our board members and not public the complete address information in our new directly book if needed. We want to give all members a chance to voice their choice. We are offering below 2 options for our members to decide whether to make the change.
You can choose not to publish the street address, and just leave city, state, zip code in the directory.
Or you can choose not to include any personal information, (including name, address, phone number).
(If you want to make any of these changes, please fill up THIS FORM by May 12. We will print the entry as it is if we do not hear from you by the due date above. Thank you!)
2. 《同鄉會活動預告》- Upcoming TAAGWC Events
TAAGWC would like to invite you to a series of upcoming events. Our board members have taken a lot of efforts to plan several events, please consider reserving your time to come and join us.
* 05/19-20 華府龍舟賽 - Dragon Boat Competition*
Date/Time: May 19-20(Sat-Sun) 2018; Start at 8 am
Location: Thompson Boat Center (2900 Virginia Ave NW, Washington, DC 20037)
* 05/19 台美人傳統週 - 2018 Fiesta Asia Street Fair in Washington D.C.
Date/Time: May 19, 2018 (Sun) 2018;11:00 AM - 7:00 pm
Location: Pennsylvania Ave-3rd& 6th St NW, Washington DC
*06/03 台灣同鄉會肉粽節 - TAAGWC Picnic*
Date/Time: June 3 (Sun), 2018; 11:00 a.m -3:00 p.m.
Location: Bohrer Park(506 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877)
*06/09 台灣同鄉會卡拉OK聯誼 - Karaoke Club*
Date/Time: June 9 (Sat) 2018; 2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Location: 華府僑教中心 Culture Center of TECRO (901 Wind River Lane, Gaithersburg, MD)
*07/01-4 美東台灣人夏令會 - TACEC-TANG *
Date/Time: July 1- July 4 (Sun-Wed) 2018
Location: West Chester University of Pennsylvania (700 S High St, West Chester, PA 19382)
Register and details are HERE.
*09/15 台灣同鄉會中秋市集 - Moon Festival Night Market*
Date/Time: Sep 15 (Sat) 2018; 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Location: TBD
*11/10 台灣同鄉會感恩節餐會 - TAAGWC Thanksgiving Banquet*
Date/Time: Nov 10 (Sat) 2018
Location: TBD
3. 《台灣同鄉會卡拉OK聯誼》原訂五月份的卡拉OK因隔天是母親節所以決定取消