##什麼是TRA? TRA2.0又是什麼意思?身為華府同鄉的您一定要來關心並了解這個議題,同時要盡一點國民外交的義務,這是身為台美人不可不知、不可不做的責任。4/6 下午2:00 PM ~4:00 PM (會後茶點招待),慶祝台灣關係法40週年,讓我們來關心這個議題,一同繼續向前行!
台灣人公共事務會 (FAPA)、華府台灣同鄉會 (TAA-GWC)、巴爾的摩台灣同鄉會 (TAA-GBC)、台灣人公共事務會華府分會 (FAPA DC)、台灣人公共事務會馬里蘭分會 (FAPA MD)、以及華府台灣文化中心 (TCC) ,將於四月六日下午兩點至四點,於華府台灣基督教長老教會舉辦慶祝台灣關係法40 周年「走在正確的道路 - TRA 2.0 再出發」研討會。
台灣關係法 (Taiwan Relation Act, TRA) ,是1979年台美斷交後,在各方台美人遊說之下,同年成功使美國總統 Jimmy Carter 簽署生效的美國法律。在美國,將他國的國際關係入法可謂相當罕見,而台灣關係法也陪伴著台灣這四十年的風雨飄搖,默默在國際上支撐著台灣的國際地位。這次「走在正確的道路 - TRA 2.0 再出發」研討會邀請到 Cindy Fogleman、John Tkacik、Steven Yates 等多位曾經參與台灣關係法入法的政治人物擔任講者,同時也邀請到擁有豐富遊說經驗的 Michael Fonte 擔任主持人。在這兩個小時裡,大家一起回顧台灣關係法過去40年來對台灣主權的影響,及展望外來台美的關係 (即是TRA 2.0的意義),2.0 版的台美關係法,將要如何繼續走在正確的道路上,引領邁向另一個新頁。
「走在正確的道路 - TRA 2.0再出發」
活動時間:四月六日下午兩點至四點 (會後備有茶點招待)
活動地點:華府台灣基督教長老教會 ( 7410 Needwood Rd, Derwood, MD )
Facebook 活動頁面:https://goo.gl/forms/1hN63mzd4hhXW0oj1
4/10/2019 is the 40th year anniversary of Taiwan Relation Act (TRA). When Taiwan-US broke the official diplomatic relations, under the effort of many Taiwanese American, Taiwan Relation Act successfully enacted within the same year. Even for the U.S., it was uncommon to enact a law to regulate its international relationship with another country. Yet it was TRA, over these 40 years, accompanied and supported Taiwan's international relationship, and helped us to be resolute even when we are swaying under a storm.
On 4/6, FAPA, FAPA DC, FAPA MD, TAA-GWC, TAA-GBC, TCC will co-sponsor a Taiwan Relation Act (TRA) 40 years anniversary celebration. We will hold a panel discussion at TPC, and invite (the involved) Congressional Staffer, Researcher, Politician to review the impact of TRA to Taiwan's Sovereignty, and under Michael Fonte and moderator, discuss the future of Taiwan-US relationships (hence TRA 2.0).
You are cordially invited to attend the discussion, let us celebrate TRA 40 together!
Title: On the right track - TRA 2.0
Impact of TRA to Taiwan’s Sovereignty - Retro and Prospective
Time: 4/6 (Sat.) 2-4pm
Location: Taiwanese Presbyterian Church (7410 Needwood Rd, Derwood, MD 20855)
Speakers: Cindy Fogleman (Cindy Sprunger), Steven Yates, John Tkacik (and a VIP)
Moderator: Michael Fonte