TCC Fall Open House
台灣文化中心半年一度的 Autumn Open House要來囉!
9/28 ,Sat,At Taiwan Culture Center 台灣文化中心
(7509 Needwood Road, Rockville, MD)
兩個活動, 一兼二顧,切莫錯過!!
— 幹細胞治療的應用及展望 Application and Prospect of Stem Cell Therapy
—斷捨離, 捐物募資大集合FUNDrive-----Eco-friendly fundraising for TACSA's scholarship fund
<< 活動一>>
講座: 幹細胞治療的應用及展望 Application and Prospect of Stem Cell Therapy
Time 時間: 10am-12pm
Guest Speaker: Professor Lu-Chang, A-Lien 呂阿戀教授
Host: Dr. Chi Shiang Chen 陳吉祥醫師
我們常常想問:長生不老和返老還童有可能嗎? 幹細胞可否供給我們答案。請大家來聽呂阿戀教授的演講。
幹細胞是原始的、未特化的細胞,而保有轉化成其它細胞類型的能力。這種能力使得幹細胞能夠用來修護再生某種受到破壞的組織或器官。幹細胞有很多種類包括:1.胚胎幹細胞 (Embryonic stem cells), 2.成體幹細胞 (Adult stem cells), 3.誘導多能幹細胞 (iPSCs), 4. 癌幹細胞 (Cancer stem cells)。
1. 利用幹細胞來尋求某些新的藥品。
2. 利用幹細胞來治療各種疾病。
各種疾病包括癌症、震顫麻痺症 (Parkinson’s disease) 、脊髓受傷 (Spinal cord injuries) 、肌萎縮性側索硬化症(Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-ALS) 、多發性硬化症 (Multiple sclerosis)、及肌肉的損傷等。
3. 器官移植的可能性。
Introduction to the speech:
We often want to ask: Is it possible to live forever and rejuvenate? Can stem cells provide us with answers? Please join us to attend the speech given by Professor Lu-Chang, A-Lien.
Stem cells are primitive, unspecialized cells that retain the ability to transform into other cell types. This ability allows stem cells to be used to repair a damaged tissue or organ. There are many types of stem cells including: 1. Embryonic stem cells, 2. Adult stem cells, 3. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), 4. Cancer stem cells.
The method of treating with stem cells:
1. Use stem cells to find new drugs.
2. Use stem cells to treat various diseases.
Various diseases include cancer, Parkinson's disease, Spinal cord injuries, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Multiple sclerosis, and Muscle damage. .
3. The possibility of organ transplantation.
Differentiation of stem cells into various organs can be transplanted to autologous or allogeneic.
In the near future, the treatment and organ transplantation of these diseases will gradually dawn on the results of stem cell research. However, in the current technology, if the transplanted stem cells lose control, these stem cells may form a tumor or cancer. The diseases that can currently be treated with stem cells are still limited. Care must be taken to those illegal treatment centers.
<< 活動二>>
—斷捨離, 捐物募資大集合FUNDrive-----Eco-friendly fundraising for TACSA's scholarship fund
Dear TCC families & friends:
️給華府台灣文化中心。這次舉辦的「FUNDrive 斷捨離, 捐物募資大集合活動」,您的一個小小的力量不但幫助需要幫助的一些家庭和 團體,並且也在支持台灣文化中心長期一直在鼓勵我們在地台美年輕的學子努力向上的獎學金。希望您的一份愛心和小小的動作可以讓它去散播到每一個需要幫助的家庭和朋友們。再此,試摯地邀請您來一起同相盛舉這個有意義的活動。此活動內容請參考以下提供的資料!再次謝謝大家的愛心。感恩!
Did Marie Kondo inspire you this year? Forget to donate your spring cleaning items? You're in luck! TCC is hosting an eco-friendly fundraiser for our Open House in September! We are collecting any clothes, backpacks/handbags, shoes, linens, toys/games, and small household items that you would like to donate. Please put "soft" items in bags (preferably 33-gal, but it doesn't have to be full) and "hard" items in boxes. The money raised from this fundraiser will help the TACSA scholarship fund. Tell your family & friends about this great event where every donation goes the extra mile to help TACSA's scholarship fund. If we receive 150 bags (33-gal), then TACSA will receive a bonus! Help us reach 150 bags by cleaning out your closet! Your donations are tax-deductible and will be provided a receipt upon your donation.
If you would like to help bring donations to Unique Thrift Store in Wheaton after the Open House, please contact Connie at or text 240-408-5988.
Taiwan Culture Center台灣文化中心敬上
If you would like to help bring donations to Unique Thrift Store in Wheaton after the Open House, please contact Connie at or text 240-408-5988.