Location: 7509 Needwood Rd, Derwood, MD 20855
Date/Time: Saturday,November 16, 10am-12:pm.
你退休後想過什麼樣的生活? 退休金到底要存多少才夠用?
退休不難,但是要規劃! 你不可不知道的細節,全都在這裡!
李宜軒,現居馬里蘭。服務於Transamerica Financial Advisors,同時也在World Financial Group 擔任經理。對自己的期許是希望幫助更多家庭保護及建立資產,認為財務自由人人都應有,不應該是有錢人的專利。
李昱璜, CFA, FRM,現居馬里蘭,特許財務分析師且在全美前10大銀行任職多年。 深深覺得理財知識非常重要但許多家庭卻常常忽略。加入World Financial Group後,以其專業知識與誠信,幫眾多家庭做理財規劃。
Retirement Planning
You ever thought about your retirement life? What does it look like?
In 2008, the stock market crashed and many people’s 401K diminished overnight. People have to delay their retirement date for years. What is your plan if it happens again?
Do you know the taxation can largely affect your retirement funds? Is your retirement fund in a balanced portfolio for taxation? What if you outlive your retirement fund?
Do you need to prepare Long Term Care funds? How??
Lifetime income is very important nowadays when the social security is not in a good shape. We will answer everything you need to know about your retirement planning. Worry-free retirement life is not a dream.
Speaker introduction:
I-Shiuan Lee got her Master of Science in Biochemistry at National Taiwan University. She is currently a manager at Transamerica Financial Advisors and World Financial Group. Her profound experience in personal financial planning had allowed her gain federal and state security licenses, and life insurance license. She is dedicated to make valuable personal financial services accessible to the general public. I-Shiuan lives in Maryland, and serves clients across the country.
Yu-Huang Lee owns an MBA degree in Finance and he is a Charted Financial Analyst (CFA) charter holder. Prior to joining World Financial Group (WFG), Yu-Huang has more than 10 years of professional experience in one of the top 10 banks in the US as a Portfolio Risk Manager. He currently is a Budget Controller for one of the biggest auto makers in the world. He is always full of curiosity and excited to learn about new ideas. He started his journey with WFG shortly after his first daughter was born. He was looking for tools that can satisfy his financial needs and protect his family, and was surprised by how much important information the average families have missed. He is now having two careers and is committed to share the knowledge with his friends and their families.